Into The Sunrise.

=> youth retreat this year was AH-MAY-SHING!!

shouts to vince who introducted ghetto taboo to us. (the funnest game ever). it's just like taboo, except you write your own cards and there's 3 rounds. the first round, is normal taboo. the second round is charades, but since you're using the same cards, you already know what they might be possibly acting out. the third round is taboo but only allowed to say one word to describe the card.
as "plain" as it sounds in writing, it's actually really really really really really really's just that you all end up yelling the answers and you might loose your voice later.
well the equation actually goes: ghetto taboox2 + popcorn + talking for four hours + lack of sleep = fun times + watching sun rise + voicy go bye bye

=> and so since i lost my voice over the long weekend, it didn't help that i just got it back yesterday. and today i go to wonderland for a field trip. which well since i missed my voice so much that i just kept talking (even though i couldn't yell during the rides...i did talk through a few of them though). so then the end of charis' coffeehouse, my voice almost left again and now i have everyone advising me to stop talking...


if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.

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