Not Exactly Phobic.

=> trembling with fear, pulse is at 100km/h, need air.

there's a spider right there.

=> yea so there was a spider in my washroom...couldn't get my daddy to kill it since he was downstairs and if i yelled for him my mom, being asleep would have woken up and told me to shush. SO i had to kill it myself... =s which didn't quite work out the way i wanted it to. i got the tissue paper, wet it and smacked the spidy. now i thought it was dead, so i was =O when it fell off the tissues and onto the rim of my toilet and started to walk again (tmi? sorry!). well i had to get rid of it, so what do i do? i blow it into the bowl. and then it started "swimming" and then went into a little ball as i flushed it. then i stepped back and hyperventilated shaking like crazy with the room spinning.

not that i'm arachnophobic...maybe in a weird strange way i am tough. see i'm perfectly fine with larger spiders like taranulas (other than their many many eyes, they're pretty cute ><). i can't stand the smaller ones though. there's just something about them and being able to pop up anywhere that freaks me out. the ones that are small AND fast and/or can jump, SUPER SCARY!

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