Late Much?

=> well having you talked to me while i was in the library looking at funny lights, this post is sorta almost a week overdue haha. ANYWAYS i shall now proceed to copy this from my phone.

=> j,
first off, sry for typng this up so late. {stupid phone's backlight doesn't stay on long enough} school's always a factor and gets in te way. which btw IS important. note how i'm not telling you to put school first. becausse well face is, as important as it is, you always have to schedule in fun (sad now my idea of fun this week was helping look after some kids at church). but when you really really think about it, marks don't matter till a few yrs down the road. as long as you scrape by with a 75, you can still take full academic courses (not saying that you shouldn't try your best of course).
now that school's discussed, onwards to the next item on the list; friends. no matter what happens in hs, just remember that it's just hs. everyone acts like a bumbum. my goal for you is to find yourself a moose. find friends that have their morals set right and will stick by you though whatever bs you get yourself into. these are the ones that you pray will stay friends with even after hs when you're off to uni in lala land and for the rest of your life.
now about the boys. one thing that no one will ever understand. since i don't know exactly how your situation initially played out, but i have a feeling i can probs guess the gist of it. to try to get to te point and not make this drag on (like what it seems like i'm doing); Let the slut have the guy. i know this is going to sound cliche but i'm going to say it anyways. you deserve better than him. no guy who trash talks their ex deserves being taken back. now i know you were contemplating bout being friends and not bout getting back together but hear my point out. be careful about letting him back into your life because before you know it, one thing might lead to the next no matter what promise you've made to yourself or anyone else.
just remember kiddo, there's like less than 1/10000 chance of hs relationships ending with a fairytale happily ever after.
well i hope this helped! (no clue how much this will though since i'm drafting this out on my phone at 4:30 in the morning..anyways. Have FUN debating within youself ;)

=> wow...that was actually pretty long...and to think that was only 7 notes on my phone notepad. (thank God for qwerty)

forever xoxo,
- mag. (dangit, this sign off would've looked so much better if it was in my own handwriting)

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