To Make Do.

=> we never know what going to happen in life.
are we going to be able to do this?
are we going to be going to here? or there?
and the questions can go on and on and on.

=> who knew last week, or even on friday that i would be able to go to the park by saturday and go kite flying...or would it be kite-ing...or maybe ATTEMPTED kite-ing. also getting bruised from a spinny thing as well *hemhem*
you'd think i'd be more careful since i'm not even 100% back to normal yet...even though i was never quite at 100%.

and then come sunday, we had an extra pass for great wolf lodge.
we never planned that i was going to go water parking this weekend, the stairs would have been quite hard...
and .: joanne was supposed to recplace me, but no my sister ended up out for the weekend, so that meant 1000000000000 steps of stairs for me. whoopdeedoo...
no, but really, i had fun even if i WAS climbing the stairs qutie slowly.
and THEN walked around the falls for a good hour or so, shooting pics etc.

today, the actual turkey day...or was yesterday the actual turkey day...
but yea, today, Canada One Outlets for at least 2 hours.
Body Shop. UP. the rest of the prices wasn't too "outlety". in fact they were pretty much mall prices not very on sale.

=> guess what? saturday, sunday, monday = walking without crutches!!!! YAY!!! too bad i still need a knee strap...

=> song from AS: listen - beyonce
song from me: bones - the killers
(jon got it stuck in my head since saturday -_-)
(never knew that tim burton had part in the

if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.

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