Out of these ashes Beauty Will Rise.

=> Sometimes the best things in life, the most treasured are those that are the result of a wreck. I’m not saying a wreck as in “Oh yesterday was such a bad day,” but wreck as in absolute shambles where your world seems to be in hopeless despair. Steven Curtis Chapman embodied this phenomenon perfectly in his song Beauty Will Rise from his album of the same name, written in memory of his daughter Maria Sue.

          “But buried deep beneath,
          Of all our broken dreams we have is hope.
          Out of these ashes beauty will rise,
          And we will dance among the ruins,
          We will see it with our own eyes.
          Out of these ashes beauty will rise,
          For we know joy is coming in the morning.
          In the morning, beauty will rise.”

=> As another age old song goes, “Ashes to ashes we all fall down.” Yes, we may all fall down but at the end of the day, from those ashes we will rise again as something renewed and more magnificent than ever.

if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.

Potter Points.

=> Yes, on my study breaks I look up Potter stuff.

=> Why those little... 2012 version it is!... Even if the world is going to end a month after it comes out! (2012 re-release)
Aka what every Potterhead was thinking when they went to Orlando (WWOHP additions)
JK = the mastermind of logic & plot lines (Lily-Narcissa) (Hagrid)

That shall be all for now =)

if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.

As Blogger And Tumblr Becomes One.

=> eeeee! More Tumblr Potter on Blogger!!

=> conwinkydink that i do those spirally things as doodles? i think not <3 http://bellatrix-is-a-star.tumblr.com/post/723387329/lady-lestrange-via-fuckyeahdeatheaters
for some reason i REALLY like this pic... http://phoenix-felicis.tumblr.com/post/6029273408

Long, long, long HP survey.
Name Maggie
Are You Obbsessed With Harry Potter? uh... DUH!
Could You Prove That Statement In Court? uh... DUH!
Do You Know Any Of The Characters Middle Name’s? uh... DUH!
What’s Hermione’s? Jean
What’s Ron’s? Bilius
What’s Harry’s? James
What’s Ginny’s? Molly
What’s Your Ship? Dramione, Harry/Luna (yes, I live in my own little fanficy world)
What’s Not Your Ship? Harry/Ginny (this is just wrong on soooo many levels)
Have You Seen All The Movies? uh... DUH!
Read All The Books? uh... DUH!
What Do You Think Of JKR? *faints*
Weasley? hm... Charlie! (ps. do you think he'll send be a dragon because I said he was my favourite?)
Character, Overall? Luna & Bellatrix
Adult? Bellatrix
Professor? Flitwick!
Sweet? Sugar Quills
Place? By the Black Lake
Weasley Twin? BUT BUT BUT....
Least Favorites
Weasley? Hugo (iunno never got a good feel off that kid...)
Student? Flint... he was kinda pointless...
Sweet? BUT BUT BUT... it's SUGAR!!
Professor? well no shit everyone's gonna say Umbridge
Couples? Harry/Ginny (aka see "What's Not Your Ship?")
Ron/Hermione? She would've been better with Harry... but I mean what can I do about it, I'm not JK unfortunately
Harry/Ginny? again, re: "What's Not Your Ship"
Ron/Lavander? tool.
Hermione/Krum? I always pictured Krum to be better looking than in the movie... ie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Rozon or http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2301213/ or you know...
Tonks/Lupin? Cute in it's own Potter / metaphoric way
Draco/Pansy? Disturbing...
Fred/Angelina? ok... this was mentioned like ONCE...
Bill/Fleur? Cutest thing since little kids in Halloween costumes
Harry/Cho? in the book it made sense... in the movies it was like "dot dot dot"
This Or That?
Ron or Harry? Harry
Hermione or Ginny? Hermione
Neville or Seamus? SEAMUS!
Snape or Slughorn? hm... toughie... both?
Fred Or George? BUT BUT BUT!!!!!!!! (see above)
ButterBeer or Fire Whiskey? well Universal didn't have Firewhiskey... or that I knew of... so I really can't say
Zonko’s or Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes? WWW
Hog’s Head Or The Three Broomsticks? The Three Broomsticks, less shady (I've had enough shadyness to last a lifetime)
James/Lily or Snape/Lily? James/Lily (the movie killed Snape/Lily for me)
Hogwarts or Hogsmeade? Hogwarts
Hogsmeade Or Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley
Malfoy Manor or Knockturn Alley? Malfoy's (with Draco in it of course ;) )
Bertie Bott’s or Fizzing Whizbees? Bertie Bott's
Witch Weekly Or The Daily Prophet? Daily Prophet
Rita Skeeter or Barty Crouch? Jr or Sr? Jr had that kinda badass thing going on that suited him quite nicely
Gyrffindor or Ravenclaw? Ravenclaw (for Luna of course!)
Have you Been to A Realese Party? Nope
Ever cried While reading one of the books? Nope
A Movie? YES YES YES X100000000 only every single freakn time that I've watched part 2!
Books or Movies? books
Had A Dream About Harry Potter? Surprisingly no
Been To A Fansite? uh... DUH!
Been to JKR’s Site? uh... DUH!
Have You Ever Roleplayed? BAHAHAHAHAHA... do Jenga pieces count?
Did you use to have an absurd theory? meh, it was too complicated for me so I just let JK do the thinking =)
What was it? ---
Did you/Do you hide your obbsession? Nope
Ever dressed up like a Character? For Halloween or Just No Reason at all? Nope
Ever noticed That You can’t “Spell Hermione without Ron”? so I've been told
Have you noticed That Lily Evans And Ginny Weasley are alot alike? yes, ergo my non-ship? DUH!
Do you know What fanfiction is? uh... DUH!
Ever Been To A Fanfiction site? uh...DUH!
Do you read fanfiction? uh... DUH! (ok obviously if one is going to take the time to do this questionnaire, they're probably mega Potter fans and therefore these questions don't need to be asked)
Are you a member of a fanfiction site? uh... DUH!
Ever had Harry Potter Candy? does butterbeer count?
Do you own a lot of Harry Potter Stuff? not enough
Do you have Harry Potter Scene It? until they come out with one that's all years, i ain't buying it
Do You Have A Harry Potter Shirt? technically
What Character Are You Most Often Compared Too? Luna
Do You Agree With This? Yes
Do You Have Any Nicknames That Have To Do With Harry Potter? Luna?
Are Your freinds Supportive of your obbsession? uh... DUH!
Do you relate a lot of things to Harry Potter? uh... DUH!
Last Few
Do you love being Obbsessed With Harry Potter? uh... DUH!
Do you wish that you went to Hogwarts? uh... DUH!
Have you re-read the books? yes yes yes yes yes yes (the hardcover fell off one of them...)
Have you had A Harry Potter Themed Party? not yet, it's on my to do list though
Have You Had An RP Party? No
Well..Do You Like Ron& Hermione as A couple? meh
Harry and Ginny? no no no and no -_-

=> What was this post triggered by? My roommate and I watching HP1 on Halloween night of course!!

if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.