=> when a friend is in a relationship thats abusive, you just can't help it but be utterly frustrated. frustrated that she doesn't realise that it's abusive. frustrated at how busy and what an incoveince our lives are so you can't just grab her out to coffee right now and then.
she was such a sweet loving girl living her life fully in Christ.
and its not her that i'm mad at, its him. her stupid ass boyfriend has pretty much taken control of every aspect of her life.
soon, its going to be "her" fault that we're still her friends and that we still love her. that he hasn't gotten rid of us yet.
well you know what O, you don't have no control over us like you have over her. we're not letting our friend get hurt anymore than she has already, i don't care what it takes, she's returning to the path of sanity very soon.
we all noticed the change in her. we all have our reasons of why we don't like him.
with him, she's done things that we never thought she'd ever do.
as quickly as his irrational decisions, he's taking away her very being piece by piece. with each tear that trickles down her cheek and each fracture that it put in all of our hearts.
K, we love you so much and we know that you've suffered more than enough. we know you think that we don't understand why you're seemingly putting in so much effort and ache into this relationship you have with O.
and you're right, we don't. we don't understand why you can't see that this ISN'T how a relationship should be.
you shouldn't be scared; we shouldn't be scared for you.
you shouldn't be crying youself to sleep; we shouldn't be sleepless over worrying about you.
please K, please believe us when we tell you that O isn't who you seem to think he is. please believe us that we only want what's best for you and that his behaviour isn't what's best for you.
sorry to be blunt but O's "love" isn't love.
we love you K, we really do.
i love you K, i really do.
=> song from me: Jesus Loves You - Stellar Kart
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
His Ways.
=> God has a funny and neat way of doing things doesn't he?
my pastor told this story today as part of his sermon.
=> "back when i was a youth, my fellowship was really evangelistic and outreachy.
pretty often we would have newcomers.
this week we were going out around the community to talk to people about Christ.
this week we had a non-believer come visit.
the non-beliver came along with us to spread the word.
that day, someone got saved.
God was able to use the non-beliver to tell another non-beliver about Christ.
he accepted Christ to be his saviour even though the one tell him about Christ was a non-beliver himself."
=> God has his ways. He can save a non-beliver via a non-believer. Amen.
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
my pastor told this story today as part of his sermon.
=> "back when i was a youth, my fellowship was really evangelistic and outreachy.
pretty often we would have newcomers.
this week we were going out around the community to talk to people about Christ.
this week we had a non-believer come visit.
the non-beliver came along with us to spread the word.
that day, someone got saved.
God was able to use the non-beliver to tell another non-beliver about Christ.
he accepted Christ to be his saviour even though the one tell him about Christ was a non-beliver himself."
=> God has his ways. He can save a non-beliver via a non-believer. Amen.
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
Aches And Pains.
=> friday period one.
walking over to kez's desk, la dee da dee da.
stop at her desk. huh? wtf why did my right knee give out all of a sudden.
eh whatever.
period two.
owie...why does my knee feel like its being stabbed from the inside when i walk on it?
hm maybe its because of the soft bone inflation. hopefully it'll be gone after a while.
good thing i'm sitting down for lunch anyhow.
period three.
walking up and down the aisle between the desks seeing if i can figure out what's wrong.
this is weird...sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it hurts more than other times.
period four.
wow my knee's not hurting anymore yay!!
period five.
ow ow ow ow ow HUH?! its back again?
ugh ok fine.
walking to the tennis courts 2 km away. la dee da dee da.
oh that wasn't too bad, maybe i could play.
good match desh.
no creepy kid you can't challenge me, i'm injured.
so u m mr kong, my knee feels like someones stabbing me. "ok then just sit and you can go in around 5 minuites with someone."
no creepy kid, i told you already, no game today my knee's busted.
bye vince, btw nice slow biking skills being able to keep up with an injured person.
after school.
oh crap how am i supposed to go home, ugh.
sharon? what are you doing at the theatre?
*gasp* your mommy can drive us today?! YAY! i don't have to die just yet!
=> saturday morning.
nice! my knee seems to be fine now.
morning routine, leaning towards the left just in case.
ow...knee...ow...left backside...ahhhh!!!!
dr. lau! dr. lau! dr. lau! i feel owied. =(
"ok well you probably just snapped something small 'in' your knee so just give it rest and see how it goes on monday. if its not better by then, come by again and maybe get it x rayed."
ow. can't sit. can't walk.
yay! my aunt's pretty butterfly cane's here!
ugh. still owie.
[insert the concerned vioces of many members of my parent's cell group and my youth group] "what happened? what's wrong? how did it happen? why the cane?"
[repeat many times] "snapped something in my right knee, leaned too much on my left so now my backside hurts."
alternative response from kevin. "i beat her up."
ow. bye. ow
=> song from absolute skating what are you listening to now 3? thread: Morningside - Sara Bareilles
song from me: When Your Spirit Gets Too Weak - Plus One
the rest of their songs are REALLY boy band. so if that suits you then go wild ;)
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
walking over to kez's desk, la dee da dee da.
stop at her desk. huh? wtf why did my right knee give out all of a sudden.
eh whatever.
period two.
owie...why does my knee feel like its being stabbed from the inside when i walk on it?
hm maybe its because of the soft bone inflation. hopefully it'll be gone after a while.
good thing i'm sitting down for lunch anyhow.
period three.
walking up and down the aisle between the desks seeing if i can figure out what's wrong.
this is weird...sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it hurts more than other times.
period four.
wow my knee's not hurting anymore yay!!
period five.
ow ow ow ow ow HUH?! its back again?
ugh ok fine.
walking to the tennis courts 2 km away. la dee da dee da.
oh that wasn't too bad, maybe i could play.
good match desh.
no creepy kid you can't challenge me, i'm injured.
so u m mr kong, my knee feels like someones stabbing me. "ok then just sit and you can go in around 5 minuites with someone."
no creepy kid, i told you already, no game today my knee's busted.
bye vince, btw nice slow biking skills being able to keep up with an injured person.
after school.
oh crap how am i supposed to go home, ugh.
sharon? what are you doing at the theatre?
*gasp* your mommy can drive us today?! YAY! i don't have to die just yet!
=> saturday morning.
nice! my knee seems to be fine now.
morning routine, leaning towards the left just in case.
ow...knee...ow...left backside...ahhhh!!!!
dr. lau! dr. lau! dr. lau! i feel owied. =(
"ok well you probably just snapped something small 'in' your knee so just give it rest and see how it goes on monday. if its not better by then, come by again and maybe get it x rayed."
ow. can't sit. can't walk.
yay! my aunt's pretty butterfly cane's here!
ugh. still owie.
[insert the concerned vioces of many members of my parent's cell group and my youth group] "what happened? what's wrong? how did it happen? why the cane?"
[repeat many times] "snapped something in my right knee, leaned too much on my left so now my backside hurts."
alternative response from kevin. "i beat her up."
ow. bye. ow
=> song from absolute skating what are you listening to now 3? thread: Morningside - Sara Bareilles
song from me: When Your Spirit Gets Too Weak - Plus One
the rest of their songs are REALLY boy band. so if that suits you then go wild ;)
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
Stand Up.
=> i was going to write this blog on friday after watching stand up to cancer, but then having got a new laptop i was busy till like 12 setting it up and making recovery discs.
=> iunno if it's just because i've seen how cancer affects people or if its because they did a VERY good show, but that hour was really touching. there really are people getting diagnosed or dying every minute. treatments really do damage patients. not only is it painful for the patients but its mentally painful for those around them too. luckily there ARE cancer survivours. and praise God for that too.
a family friend from church got diagnosed with osteosarcoma a bit over a year and a half ago. its a childhood cancer which affects the bone. she had to amputate her leg, but is now doing really well rehabilitating. it is actually her that got me to look into going into physical rehab / physiotherapy.
even though unfortunate things may come our way at times. we always have to rememeber, God loves all of us and He has a plan for all of us. everything happens for a reason; we'll learn something, get something out of everything that happens.
=> if you want to read about Cassidy's Journey: http://cassidysheng.blogspot.com/
if you want to donate to stand up 2 cancer: https://www.standup2cancer.org/donate_splash.asp
=> song from absolute skating's our favourite songs (sharing) thread: iris - goo goo dolls
song from me: stand up to cancer - various artists
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
=> iunno if it's just because i've seen how cancer affects people or if its because they did a VERY good show, but that hour was really touching. there really are people getting diagnosed or dying every minute. treatments really do damage patients. not only is it painful for the patients but its mentally painful for those around them too. luckily there ARE cancer survivours. and praise God for that too.
a family friend from church got diagnosed with osteosarcoma a bit over a year and a half ago. its a childhood cancer which affects the bone. she had to amputate her leg, but is now doing really well rehabilitating. it is actually her that got me to look into going into physical rehab / physiotherapy.
even though unfortunate things may come our way at times. we always have to rememeber, God loves all of us and He has a plan for all of us. everything happens for a reason; we'll learn something, get something out of everything that happens.
=> if you want to read about Cassidy's Journey: http://cassidysheng.blogspot.com/
if you want to donate to stand up 2 cancer: https://www.standup2cancer.org/donate_splash.asp
=> song from absolute skating's our favourite songs (sharing) thread: iris - goo goo dolls
song from me: stand up to cancer - various artists
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
goo goo dolls,
stand up 2 cancer
=> owie ow ow ow! today was such a painfilled day =/
period 1 (hospitaliy) - i fall backwards and fall on the fridge. right above the back of my ankle is skinned around an inch in length.
period 5 (gym) - got lazy so i threw the football back while i was still lying on my back. bad idea. hit my head back on the ground.
then running for the ball i collide with this other guy and hit the ground. so that the side of my head now throbbing too and a funky feeling left knee.
then at the other end of the field the same thing happens but i collide with someone else. adds on a grass burn the size of a quarter to my right kneee, funky feeling on left palm, and briusey grass burned-ish right shoulder. having a soft bone being inflated in my right knee, lets just say that knee hitting ground felt a whole lot worse than the grass burns.
then just to top it all off, being already all breathless and out of shape, the football bounces off my chest. i can hardly catch for jello.
once back home i hydrogen peroixed EVERYTHING
=> making myself a little treat. jello with 2 layers. inspiration from one of those dim sum asian resturants nearby. one layer was originally red bean in geletin but since i have no red beans, i subsituted it with craisins!!! the other layer is, i'm guessing milk since that was the description is on the menu, so i'm gonna try that out as soon as the 1st layer sets
=> song from AS what are you listening to 3? thread: new version of you - JJ Abrams
song from me: presupposition - joel geleynse
-> he's a christian artist and the meaning behind this video IS christian based dispite what the first "blamm" of the visuals may be
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
period 1 (hospitaliy) - i fall backwards and fall on the fridge. right above the back of my ankle is skinned around an inch in length.
period 5 (gym) - got lazy so i threw the football back while i was still lying on my back. bad idea. hit my head back on the ground.
then running for the ball i collide with this other guy and hit the ground. so that the side of my head now throbbing too and a funky feeling left knee.
then at the other end of the field the same thing happens but i collide with someone else. adds on a grass burn the size of a quarter to my right kneee, funky feeling on left palm, and briusey grass burned-ish right shoulder. having a soft bone being inflated in my right knee, lets just say that knee hitting ground felt a whole lot worse than the grass burns.
then just to top it all off, being already all breathless and out of shape, the football bounces off my chest. i can hardly catch for jello.
once back home i hydrogen peroixed EVERYTHING
=> making myself a little treat. jello with 2 layers. inspiration from one of those dim sum asian resturants nearby. one layer was originally red bean in geletin but since i have no red beans, i subsituted it with craisins!!! the other layer is, i'm guessing milk since that was the description is on the menu, so i'm gonna try that out as soon as the 1st layer sets
=> song from AS what are you listening to 3? thread: new version of you - JJ Abrams
song from me: presupposition - joel geleynse
-> he's a christian artist and the meaning behind this video IS christian based dispite what the first "blamm" of the visuals may be
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
jj abrams,
joel geleynse,
A New Circle Of Life.
=> well, i guess this is the last night before school starts up again. this summer was probably actually more productive than last summer, sadly i had summer school for half my summer for BOTH years.
as so it happens, time moves on forward whether you want it to or not. there are new niners, last years niners are now tens, tens are now elevens, elevens are going to be graduating, the grads are off to universities far far away.
such a fresh new looking agenda with only corner tags ripped until this week. contact and emergency contact information written in. in ten months time it'll just become another booklet with pencil markings, pictures...and just a waste of trees. well at least it'll be useful for the time being. new clean nicely self designed crisp file folders. by the end of the year, they'll be raggity and un-crsip. hopefully my pencil case, pens, pencils will stay in tact =)
=> song from absolute skating's what are you listening to now 3?: with you - sum 41
song from me: give until there's nothing left - relient K
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
as so it happens, time moves on forward whether you want it to or not. there are new niners, last years niners are now tens, tens are now elevens, elevens are going to be graduating, the grads are off to universities far far away.
such a fresh new looking agenda with only corner tags ripped until this week. contact and emergency contact information written in. in ten months time it'll just become another booklet with pencil markings, pictures...and just a waste of trees. well at least it'll be useful for the time being. new clean nicely self designed crisp file folders. by the end of the year, they'll be raggity and un-crsip. hopefully my pencil case, pens, pencils will stay in tact =)
=> song from absolute skating's what are you listening to now 3?: with you - sum 41
song from me: give until there's nothing left - relient K
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
If0nly On Ice.
=> from the creators who brought to you if0nly Life Was Fantasy., now brings you if0nly On Ice.!
hope those of you interested in ice...or not, will enjoy my blog all skating related.
quoting joanne (not the hairyone, the one from far far away) "wow.. i have no idea who any of these ppl r yet u still make it interesting enough for me to read :D nice job"
well anyhow, hope you all give it a chance =)
=> in the redoecorating scene, bathroom only needs to have 3 sand dollars painted (waiting for actual wall paint) and glitter for my bubbles.
room-wise, started sanding. no clue how on earth people can breath in those masky things. can we say suffocating? suffocating!
=> made 2 iron melted plastic things today...well sorta 3. tiffy put together one which i ironed for her. made 2 out of the "beads" that were left. i WAS going to make a heart but then since the template was a circle...wasn't too possible. took me pretty much the whole night to figure out a design to create.
the small black, white, blue, glow in the dark (greens) one was made first. so the "original".
the bigger white, blue, black, red one was made later just to finish off the beads. i left the iron on too long for this one so it over melted...
hope those of you interested in ice...or not, will enjoy my blog all skating related.
quoting joanne (not the hairyone, the one from far far away) "wow.. i have no idea who any of these ppl r yet u still make it interesting enough for me to read :D nice job"
well anyhow, hope you all give it a chance =)
=> in the redoecorating scene, bathroom only needs to have 3 sand dollars painted (waiting for actual wall paint) and glitter for my bubbles.
room-wise, started sanding. no clue how on earth people can breath in those masky things. can we say suffocating? suffocating!

the small black, white, blue, glow in the dark (greens) one was made first. so the "original".
the bigger white, blue, black, red one was made later just to finish off the beads. i left the iron on too long for this one so it over melted...
i scanned it with the lid? cap? top? that closey thingy open so thats why the grey liney background.
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
if0nly Life Was Fantasy.,
- Mag.
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